Friday, September 14, 2007

Couldn't Wait Until Monday

So...yesterday I thought I saw a crack opening up in the part of the ceiling that had not crashed down on Tuesday night so I called Jim and told him we could not wait for Monday. We had to call Amadeau and have them take the rest of it down immediately. He did and they did. Not a great picture but you might be able to make out the complete lack of ceiling, all exposed beams. This is what it looked like by evening last night.
I thought half seriously about not replacing the ceiling at all, going with the exposed beams, which Stephanie also independently suggested, as it is all the rage. But we have decided against it and today they have put up some additional lighting, recessed, (as long as we've got the ceiling down anyhow) and started putting the new ceiling on. This one is not so heavy nor does it come apart in large heavy chunks like the old one did. We'll both sleep better knowing that.


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