Thursday, September 01, 2005

It's Still All About the Hurricane

Neither Jim nor I can watch the news without tears. Every time. I just heard that FINALLY, apparently, buses and security have arrived at that hell hole of a Superdome. I hope it's true. My friend Kathleen says she believes the situation has been/is being mishandled. That is the least offensive way to put it. Why isn't that Mayor down there talking to those people, telling them help is on the way? The news media claim one of the biggest problems is that no one tells them what is going on, what's happening. They believe they've been abandoned. People have guns. It's heartrending. I feel like I'm watching some third world refugee situation. I had some prescriptions filled today and Linda, my pharmacist, asked me how I was. I said I was fine, but that if I wasn't I wouldn't even say so, I would be ashamed to. At least I'm not in the Superdome. Gas prices have skyrocketed and right now I don't even care. I'm sure it will impact our lives at some point and we'll be annoyed, and probably there's price gouging by unscrupulous business people going on, but really, who cares? The real human suffering is unbearable.


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