Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Another Big Day for the Girls

The Girls Gotta Run website is being created. Yesterday Kay was able to access the Artspan space they had donated and start to fill it in. I sent off three certified letters, one to the owner of an Ethiopian restaurant to try to get them to donate food and catering for the reception at Sewall-Belmont House in September; one to Sam Gilliam and one to Lou Stovall, two highly regarded and well known D.C. artists, to see if I can get them to donate work. Stopped by to drop off a couple of documents at Marie's and found her hard at work drafting up the By-Laws and the entry form. We have our first Board meeting tomorrow.

Today I am going to the monthly brown bag lunch talk of the Clearninghouse on Women's Issues. It's on Afghan girls and women, another cheery topic. I'll bring copies of the GGR artist's call. for anyone interested.


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