Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Medical Report

I still can't believe I've reached the age where I understand what the old people used to talk about: arthritis, rheumatism, stomach and bowel trouble, etc. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I feel like my own baby.

The past few weeks have been dominated by medical concerns and doctor appointments, culminating with the horrible COLONOSCOPY, which I had yesterday. It's not the "procedure," as they call it these days, but the preparation which is so horrid. This year I threw up the junk they want you to drink a gallon of...the proportions must have been designed for a 300 pound male because it's certainly way over the top for a 124 pound female with everything in that regard in good working order. To top it off, I had a splitting headache the entire day on Monday, the Prep day. Anyhow, that's over and for now the headache is also gone. Not sure if it was the stress of the "preparation" or the rain or both; I'm just glad it's over. And, btw, I still have a "beautiful" colon. Now if only the physical therapy for my aching back would work. Sometimes it seems like it is; sometimes, mostly, not so much. But I'll see him again next week, too.

There is some good news. The dermatologist gave me a sample of some new psoriasis cream which seems to work like a miracle on mine, so when I go back this morning to see him, he will write me a prescription for it. Ella will be happy. She's always worried about the "owies" on my elbows.


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