Thursday, December 13, 2007

Happy Birthday To Me, Happy Birthday To Me

So, today's the big day! Check out the painting in the last entry if you don't believe it's a good thing. I made the painting specifically for Kay, but it applies to us all. And the riches come pouring in...where to start...

The Goofy One, who said that I can celebrate my birthday every day for the next year, giving me an excuse to have everything my way at all times, whatever I want when I want it, whatever I don't want, when I don't want it... started off this a.m. by singing the birthday song to me, so far, three times...once when he woke up, again before he left for work, and again when he called just to sing it, at 11:00 or so.

A few days ago a very beautiful pair of leather gloves arrived from one of my best friends from high school; a couple days ago, a gorgeous dressy but warm holiday blouse from Mom, yesterday a whole winter outfit, including sweater, scarf, hat, gloves, and vest from Sister Little; last night a long phone call from Sister Middle and Sarah. Yesterday and today, two beautiful email cards from my daughter and another from a former student. Over the past few days, lovely emails have come from other friends, and just a few minutes ago this lovely email letter from "Little" Brother:

"Happiest of birthdays to you to you ;)

i read your poem and saw your picture in the echo. it was very nice. I reflect on my limited knowledge of your life and what i think drives you and i hope that you feel all the good you have brought to people and the world in general.

You are a very intense person in your desire to change the unjust dogma of the world and I have always worried it would be the death of you. And on the other hand you have managed to crack the crust of unfairness on many issues due to your intensity.

Anyway, EYE am glad to see you mellowing ;). I am grateful you have found art to relax you and yet still use it to affect major change in the unfairness of the world.

I am sure our father would be immensely proud of you. I know I am.

happiest of birthdays sister big. I love you.

lil bro" far, I'm right. 60 IS Glorious!


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