Saturday, July 23, 2005

Prayer for Peace

Bombing, Bombing Everywhere….and What a Thought to Think.

It’s mind boggling, really, what’s going on. We had dinner last night with my friend Paula, who is here for a few weeks on summer vacation from her teaching job in Florida, and she asked Jim whom he favored, politically, meaning Democrat or Republican. He said he liked the person who killed the most terrorists. It’s come to that. But it’s hard not to subscribe to that position at the moment. I was happy to read in the Post this a.m., but maintain a “wait and see” attitude, that Musharraf of Pakistan had called for moderate Muslims to declare jihad against all Islamic terrorist bombers. Meantime, it’s unclear just how enthusiastically he is pursuing his homegrown terrorists in what is touted to be a delicate political situation there.

Yesterday, feeling the growing need to get back to work on a new painting, I made a list of all my painting possibilities, to see which one called me the most. But this morning I was thinking that it may be time to do another prayer for (world) peace, like the one I have on my dining room table, since I have no idea what else I can possibly do to ameliorate the situation.


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