Home Again, Home Again, Jiggedy Jig
Yes, we got home about 7:30 Sunday night after deciding against staying another day or another week, both of which were extremely tempting. We decided to drag our still a little weary asses back to D.C. as Jim, of course, had a busy week at work with a staff meeting today, and I had to put up a display of my art in one of the Bread and Chocolate (http://www.iexpediter.com/demo/brdnchoc/home.htm) windows for the first annual Chevy Chase Artwalk in conjunction with the first annual Chevy Chase Day (http://www.chevychasecitizens.org/), which is next Sunday, the 18th. I did do that yesterday a.m. and have film in the camera to take some photos, but haven't gotten to that yet. Other than that, of course, the usual getting things back in order: unpacking, doing laundry, getting groceries, cleaning, tidying, watering the now very dry yard plants, etc.
Immediately on Monday morning there was a persistent little knocking on the door, and it was Charlotte, who couldn't wait until evening to deliver my invitation to her birthday party at Imagination Stage (http://www.imaginationstage.org/) on the 24th. I, along with Anja, Bill, Nicola (Ella's babysitter) and 18 7- year-olds will be treated to their production of "Cinderella," as well as cake and ice cream. Should be fun! Charlotte returned on Monday evening after school, along with Anja and Ella, to catch up and play a game of Old Bachelor, the loser of whom would have a Dole banana sticker stuck on her picture on the fridge. Charlotte lost, so her little Mrs. Farmer magnetic photo from her summer performance is now graced with a Dole sticker. Anja said that Ella refused to be buckled into her car seat to go home from the babysitter's until she told her that they were going to go visit Pat. Ella was just happy to see me and loll around with her "meme" (bottle) on the couch for awhile before she started to explore the bookcase and examine photos. The Goofy One was disappointed that they left before he got home, but of course, first day back at work, he was a little late. Anyhow, it's good to be home, and I look forward to getting some painting done as soon as I can get my easel back - I had to use it in the display.
Immediately on Monday morning there was a persistent little knocking on the door, and it was Charlotte, who couldn't wait until evening to deliver my invitation to her birthday party at Imagination Stage (http://www.imaginationstage.org/) on the 24th. I, along with Anja, Bill, Nicola (Ella's babysitter) and 18 7- year-olds will be treated to their production of "Cinderella," as well as cake and ice cream. Should be fun! Charlotte returned on Monday evening after school, along with Anja and Ella, to catch up and play a game of Old Bachelor, the loser of whom would have a Dole banana sticker stuck on her picture on the fridge. Charlotte lost, so her little Mrs. Farmer magnetic photo from her summer performance is now graced with a Dole sticker. Anja said that Ella refused to be buckled into her car seat to go home from the babysitter's until she told her that they were going to go visit Pat. Ella was just happy to see me and loll around with her "meme" (bottle) on the couch for awhile before she started to explore the bookcase and examine photos. The Goofy One was disappointed that they left before he got home, but of course, first day back at work, he was a little late. Anyhow, it's good to be home, and I look forward to getting some painting done as soon as I can get my easel back - I had to use it in the display.
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