Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Under the (Steamy) Weather

Haven't felt well the last couple of days, worse today than yesterday....symptomatic. Fatigued, achy, sick to my stomach. And it's been unbelievably hot for this early in the summer. It's a little annoying, not feeling well, because I was finally going to get back to painting today after pushing myself to get tasky stuff done yesterday. Whatever....

I spent some time this afternoon reading Jane Fonda's book, guess I'm about 3/4 done, and although it bogged down for awhile, basically during her early marriage to Tom Hayden, it has picked up again in discussions of her succession of very successful movies as her marriage falls apart.

I'll keep a good thought for tomorrow. As I told Beth Cartland when she called looking for copies of the Call, a lot of people are a lot worse off than me. I'm one of the lucky ones.


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