Monday, June 05, 2006

A Little Bit of Sixes and Sevenses

Saturday morning Charlotte called to ask if she could come over. Apparently her parents had had a bit of a spat earlier, her mother had left to go to her stretching class without saying good bye and when Charlotte had come downstairs, her dad was grumbling about her mother and, as Charlotte said, "I just don't want to listen to it." So, she rolled over about 10 to spend most of the day with me....we did nothing much. Reviewed and discussed our plans for when Sarah and Carey get here, ate some breakfast, got some groceries, went to the library, read a story ("Sleeping Beauty" - we're seeing the ballet), ate some lunch, I had a bath while she drew and illustrated elaborate handholding charts for the night Anja is taking her, Sarah and three other little girls to see Ali and A.J. at the Warner Theater. Then we rested, read some more ("Linnea in Monet's Garden"), had a snack....she went home about 3:30.

Sunday morning I tried to call Jim at the cabin, but the phone wasn't working right. I tried to call Larry, no answer. I called Steckler's - George's 88 year old mother answered. George wasn't there so I couldn't get him to go check on the goofy one and the phone. I was going to call Mike Sullivan but gave the cabin phone one more try and though it only rang once, the goofy one finally answered and we were able to hear each other, even though it was crackling and otherwise noisy. I was supposed to look some river info up on the computer and call him back. When I did, the phone was busy......busy.....busy....busy......Finally, later that afternoon, he called from Kingston, but the cabin phone still wasn't working last night or early this morning. He called from Larry's this morning and has to stay and wait for the phone guys until they get there today. He was feeling a little cranky about it all, but hoping and looking forward to maybe running Catskill Creek tomorrow.

In the meantime, I still hadn't heard from Mariana, who had mysteriously disappeared a week and a half ago and about whom I had finally concluded she had taken a vacation she thought she had mentioned, and maybe had, but I either didn't remember or she didn't tell me. So I called this morning, thinking that if she still didn't answer, I would have to go over to the house to see if she were dead or something. But she finally answered! And she wanted to go to Curves at the usual time. Only I have to wait for Stephanie, who, with a friend from Baltimore where she stayed last night, is on her way down here for a couple of days and had left an email message last night, but wasn't answering her cell phone this morning. She did call back, though, and so they are on their way and I will call Marianna for Curves after they get here and I take them down to the subway...or they walk...or take the bus. And we will go out to Parthenon for dinner tonight.

On top of the phone trouble and missing and uncommunicative friends, there was computer file trouble yesterday with Girls Gotta Run. Marie sent me a new "Call for Artists" which looked good except that it was now too high up on the page and for some reason she doesn't seem able to fix it...wanted me to adjust my printer, which I have no idea how to do; the stationery file was good, but the return address file was about 50,000 times too big and me with no idea how to downsize it. Fortunately, Cindy thinks she may be able to do that. And she will print stuff out for me, but can't do it until later in the week.

The all good news channel is the website and the weather. Kay has figured out the site and adjusted the word and images on it, so we are both happy with it for now. She also thinks that it will probably be very workable in both the short and long terms.

And the weather this week-end was the BEST. G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!!



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