Friday, March 09, 2007

International Women's Day Suffrage Birthday Bash

Wowie, Zowie, Batwoman! What fun I had last night at the party at the Finnish Embassy co-sponsored by the Embassy and the Sewall-Belmont House and Museum. In honor of International Women's Day they put on a "birthday bash" celebrating that as well as the 100th anniversay of Finnish women's suffrage and the 90th anniversary of the National Woman's Party, responsible as we all know, for the passage of the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

The setting was elegant, the expensive wine and champagne free flowing, the food tres way delicious, and the attendees exciting and accomplished. Speakers included, besides the wife of the Finnish ambassador (our hostess) and Amy Conroy, the Director of the House, Madeline Kunin (whom I met), three time governor of Vermont (etc., etc., ETC!) and Eleanor Clift, who said she was so happy to be fact, she was happy to be anywhere where she could finish a sentence without being interrupted. :) If anyone could have been considered a "keynoter," it would have been her, as she did a brief but very credible job of recounting the history of women's suffrage in the U.S.

I haven't had that much fun in a good, long while. Whoo Hoo!!


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