Sunday, May 29, 2005

More Matters of the Heart

I was surprised to see in today's Washington Post Magazine a lengthy and very interesting feature article on the relationship between emotionally distressing events and the physiology of the heart ( Turns out traumatic events really can damage, if not exactly break, a heart. The good news is that, physically, most hearts seem to recover.

Cross Country

Jim had skied ahead,
Already reached the woods.
I was still, in the clear,
Resting, relishing the moment, the sight,
The sun kissed Pennsylvania mountain
From the trail leading in.
As icy cold crept into fingers and toes,
Sudden warmth,
Like an unexpected hug,
Descended upon, enveloped me,
Settled over
And around
And seeped through every particle
Of me,
Wrapped me in itself,
Peace, contentment
The rest of the day -
Until we reached home,
Until the machine’s urgent messages,
From Wisconsin,
Informed us:
You had died.
Then – you knew this would happen! -
My heart broke, too.

So thank you, Dad,
For saying good bye.
For trying to ease the pain.
You were always good at that.

I bet you were glad to see
(All these years later)
I finally went skiing again.

P.E. Ortman

I painted a portrait of my Dad and Mom. It is at


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