Sunday, July 24, 2005

Baseball and Bombs

The Nationals broke their losing streak last night, and Jim and I were there to cheer them on. I’m convinced they couldn’t have done it without us. We had a wonderful time.

It was only marred occasionally by (my) wondering when a bomb might be going to explode and imagining what the stadium would look like, what kind of havoc would be wreaked, if that happened. Security was pretty tight, though. They don’t let anyone in with a package/bag/purse they don’t inspect. I suppose that couldn’t stop someone from driving a truck or car into the place, though. I’m becoming a safety inspector, always checking out the way in which places and systems are vulnerable. I suppose I’m doing what we should all be doing these days, keeping an eye open for anything suspicious, but it’s not a great way to live. So, I’m making another prayer for peace.

While I’m doing it, I’m keeping our nephew, Andrew, in mind, as he is now serving a tour of duty in Iraq and has already been wounded once. His wife, Holly, and his four children are stationed in Georgia and miss him on a daily basis, as well as worry about his safety and welfare. Without losing sympathy for the people he is trying to help over there (and regardless of the controversy surrounding this war, the people in the military see themselves as trying to help the Iraqi people), our family is really just hoping and praying that he makes it home safely, that one day he and his wife can take their kids to the ballgame and not wonder what the stadium would look like if a bomb went off inside it.


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