Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Busy Rainy Day

Yesterday, we took the girls to Union Station for lunch and then to the Postal Museum (, just across the street from there, where they rode the stagecoach and sorted mail in the railroad mailcar replica. When we got home they finished up their goddess book which I learned upon their lovely formal presentation to me later in the day was, in fact, a present for me.

Evening was just a tad chaotic, with people coming and going. John got in about 5, Anja and Ella stopped in for a visit, Jim got home and he and the girls chased each other around the house for awhile, sticking and unsticking banana stickers in new and creative places, including, Sarah discovered 30 seconds before he arrived, on her sandals, and then they girls went over to Anja's while Jim, John, Carey and I had dinner. After dinner, John and Carey went for a walk, I finished up some laundry and took a shower and then we caved in for the night. John picked up Sarah after he and Carey got back and we heard them having their bedtime snacks before calling it a day.

Anja called about 8 this a.m. asking if Charlotte could come over as her babysitter's baby was sick and she was going to take Ella to work with her. So little Loop joined us about 9 with her DVD player, the DVD of her performance and a new one of Peter Pan. She was so excited to be joining us so early today and to see Sarah, that she could not contain herself. So, Sarah was awakened a little earlier than usual and wandered up from the basement shortly after Charlotte acccidentally crashed into Uncle Jimmy's bike. But the weather is beautiful! and so we'll head out to Mount Vernon today.


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