New Address for the White House?
A (need I say, Republican) Texas Congressman, one Henry Bonilla, recently proposed that Congress rename 16th Street to Ronald Reagan Boulevard. Eleanor Homes Norton, our nonvoting Congressional delegate, pointed out that, among other things, this could pose a problem for the White House address. Presently, at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, it has a real ring to it and mellifluously rolls off the tongue. Ronald Reagan Boulevard at Pennsylvania Avenue sounds as clunky as his proposal is stupid. The last time Congess changed the name of something around here, Washington National Airport, they eventually forced the District to pay for the signage changes. Thanks, guys (and gals). We here in The Last Colony really appreciate funding your hairbrained schemes, especially when we have no say in the matters. When will we be included in the Constitution? Oh, that's right. You're busy making sure everyone in Iraq and Afghanistan is enfranchised.
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