Wednesday, September 21, 2005

There Must Be Alices in the Air

The Alice Awards gala at the Sewell-Belmont House was lovely. We heard from Hillary Clinton, first, in a tribute to Tipper Gore, the honoree. Unfortunately, she was "swept away" immediately after her remarks so we didn't get the chance to talk to her or shake her hand. But after dinner both Kathleen and I took advantage of an opportunity to shake Algore's hand and say hello. He is as wooden as they say. But Tipper was looking beautiful and lively and her daugher Karenna helped introduce and laud her. The weather was nice and the food was great. I think they may have actually used the same caterer as NMWA did the other night.

When I got home there was a message on the answering machine for me from my old, good friend Alice Galper, with whom I used to teach at Mount Vernon, asking if I was free for lunch today. I decided I was, and so after I walked some block party announcement flyers around the neighborhood and chatted with one of my neighbors about things we need to get done on our block (both the street, after the water pipe replacements, and the alley need repaving; we need better crossing signage at the corner of Conn. and Jocelyn, etc.), we met at Cafe DeLuxe on Wisconsin Avenue near the Cathedral and got caught up on what's happening with each other's lives. She was looking good, now has two granddaughters (Madeleine and Claire) and is continuing to work on updates of early childhood textbooks she had co-authored with Carol Seefeldt before Carol died.

Low key night tonight, I hope. I need a bit of a rest, I think. Especially because the upcoming week-end is going to be another busy one, perhaps even busier if, as she claims she will, my cousin Becky shows up on Friday to march on the White House and go to the Green Festival. Go, Becky! (Or is it, Come, Becky?) Whatever....promises to be busy.


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