Monday, October 03, 2005


We spent a large part of Sunday doing them and for the most part we accomplished them uneventfully. The bedroom air conditioner is now in winter storage, for example. But you never know where you might get tripped up. The biggest challenge turned out to be changing the battery in the carbon monoxide detector because the Goofy One forgot (because he did it several days ago) that the battery had come out in a little box. So when he tried (and tried and tried and tried) to put the new one in without putting it in the little box first, it obviously wouldn't go. Now the detector won't shut off, so we suspect it might be wrecked, though I will look for the user's manual today to see if it provides a clue as to what might still be wrong. A close second was replacing the three way switch in the bedroom lamp. It was not without its difficulties, but we (read The Goofy One) managed to do it, and the lamp still works. Ta da! We recouped from our trying day with dinner at South Beach.


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