Sunday, August 06, 2006

Remembrance of Things Past

I check in on my friend (and former Mount Vernon colleague) Deborah's blog ( every once in awhile to see what's new and what she's been thinking about. Several days ago, it seems she had been thinking about a talk on the psychology of gender I had given to my faculty colleagues at Mount Vernon, lo, those many years ago. She is the mother of a son and had been reading some of the latest yit about how boys are being shortchanged...blah, blah, blah....and she remarked on what she had remembered from my talk...and that she had cause to think about it often...and I was surprised and pleased, because she had never told me, that someone in the audience had not only entirely understood but remembered and found useful, in an ongoing way, the substance of the talk, at least some of it. It touched me deeply. I don't often think about how much or what kind of an effect I may have had as a teacher in my past lives, generally taking it on trust at this point that I did some good and made a difference, but every once in awhile, I do hear something specific from someone and it feels good.


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