Got an email message from my friend Gina today about her toddler, Michael:
"Yesterday was my parent-teacher conference. (Apparently these are common now that he is a preschooler. I still don't get all the distinctions of daycare...) Miss Danielle wanted to make sure I knew how much Michael loves to paint. (I will admit that I really didn't know that as we don't paint too often here because of the mess. We usually do other crafts or color, so it's not like I'm not exposing him to art.) So I resolved right then and there to let him paint more, like when I'm making dinner and it's something that he can't help me with, etc.
So this morning I thought, "If he likes painting so much, perhaps I should let him look at some paintings." I mean, he loves his Van Gogh, Seurrat, and Renoir boardbooks and we used to read them all the time. So, we went to visit Pat's Paintings.
He LOVED it! His favorite is "Grandma's Pansy." He pointed to it and said, "I like that one. It's pretty and so cool." (I didn't know he knew what "cool" meant, but I guess I was wrong.) He also liked "Memorial Hall" and the space mural. (That one got a couple of "wows". He's also really into space.) And of course when he saw his portrait, he smiled, pointed to it and said, 'Look at the baby.' "
"Grandma's Pansy" was painted in memory and honor of my grandmother Nina, so it touched me that that was his favorite. I also found it a little surprising, but mostly it made me happy.