Brief Update
So……we ran away to the cabin for a few days and had a wonderful time, even though we only got to play golf once due to rain. But our friends Stephanie and Chuck came to visit on Sunday, the day after we got there, and we got to meet Florin, who was crawling like a madwoman and standing up in her little playpen thing as well as being very verbal and interested in everything. We took a walk down to the river, the Roejan, and then cooked out before they headed back to Boston. Jim’s parents also came to visit one day and we bought Eric birthday dinner at one of his favorite restaurants, now called Lanahan and Lopez. Another rainy day we explored the tiny village of Millerton and one day we visited Wilderstein, one of the old mansions along the Hudson River near Rhinebeck. On another I visited the Vanderbilt Mansion. I bought books at both of them. One is a novel that is partly set at Wilderstein: “American Woman.” The other is the story of the Vanderbilt family as told by one of the heirs: “The Rise and Fall of the Vanderbilts.” It’s fascinating, really, what a lot of money can do to a family. We also went to Red Hook’s annual celebration, had dinner at the Roasted Garlic Inn and then heard an oldies band with Larry, Chris and Leah on Saturday night.
Getting home we were both a little swamped and put in some long days catching up. And I had a couple of doctor’s appointments, as well as my annual mammogram and dexa scan, but nevertheless I was caught up enough with the tasks of GGRF by this past week to be able to spend most of my work time painting a mural in Eliza’s bedroom at my neighbor Mary Kay Zuravleff’s house. I’m hoping to, and I think I can, be done before I head up to NYC on Thursday to meet Carey for her annual follow up appointments at Sloan Kettering. We’ll stay through Monday night. This week-end we’ve already had one autumn picnic, the PRB picnic at Jim’s boss’ house, and tomorrow we have our annual Jocelyn Street Block party.
When I get back from NY and perhaps Boston and Providence, I have another mural and two portraits to work on. That’s exciting because until this past week I hadn’t painted in a few months, working almost exclusively on GGRF. Speaking of which, we will have another show in December at the Coffeehouse at Politics and Prose that I’m really excited about. The people in the neighborhood can easily come and it will be up for a few weeks, December 3 through January 6. We may do some sort of rotation of art, since the space is small. We’ve worked out very few of the details so far, since I just arranged for it this past week. But Beth, Marie and I will meet there on Tuesday afternoon for tea and recon of the space as well as some talk with the various decisionmakers there. Whoo Hoo! Life is good.
Getting home we were both a little swamped and put in some long days catching up. And I had a couple of doctor’s appointments, as well as my annual mammogram and dexa scan, but nevertheless I was caught up enough with the tasks of GGRF by this past week to be able to spend most of my work time painting a mural in Eliza’s bedroom at my neighbor Mary Kay Zuravleff’s house. I’m hoping to, and I think I can, be done before I head up to NYC on Thursday to meet Carey for her annual follow up appointments at Sloan Kettering. We’ll stay through Monday night. This week-end we’ve already had one autumn picnic, the PRB picnic at Jim’s boss’ house, and tomorrow we have our annual Jocelyn Street Block party.
When I get back from NY and perhaps Boston and Providence, I have another mural and two portraits to work on. That’s exciting because until this past week I hadn’t painted in a few months, working almost exclusively on GGRF. Speaking of which, we will have another show in December at the Coffeehouse at Politics and Prose that I’m really excited about. The people in the neighborhood can easily come and it will be up for a few weeks, December 3 through January 6. We may do some sort of rotation of art, since the space is small. We’ve worked out very few of the details so far, since I just arranged for it this past week. But Beth, Marie and I will meet there on Tuesday afternoon for tea and recon of the space as well as some talk with the various decisionmakers there. Whoo Hoo! Life is good.