Girls Gotta Run
Here's the Executive Summary: I
Met with the Director of PACT Ethiopia to discuss the terms of our Memorandum of Understanding as well as other aspects of the program and the upcoming opening exhibit and reception;
Continued to deal with structural aspects of setting up the Foundation, from reviewing the draft of the 501(c)(3) application to figuring out the best kind of checking account to open;
Recruited an Ethiopian caterer to do the food, many believe the best one in town;
Recruited a well known Ethiopian artist to participate in the Foundation's work;
Continued to work with other involved people on reception programming;
Continued to work with artists to make sure they're on track;
Worked with our webmistress to continue to develop the website;
Wrote and hand delivered a letter to the Ethiopian Embassy for the Ambassador and his staff.
And on Monday afternoon, I took some time off to take Charlotte on an outing to the reopened Museum of American Art because I wanted to see it and she wanted to do something with me before she left for Arizona with her Dad on Wednesday for three weeks.
The Goofy One is on a boy's week-end jaunt to W. Virginia, camping, fishing, boating, and biking, with Gordon, so last night I had dinner with Ann Maier, whom I hadn't seen in a long while, and tonight I'll have dinner with Anja and Ella. Tomorrow a former student and fellow artist, also someone I haven't seen in a long, LONG, time is coming over for a visit and I'm taking her with me to Gail Rebhan's house and garden party tomorrow evening, so she can see Gail and Jim Burford again.
And now, this girl's gotta shower!! It's hotter'n blazes here today and I'm grubby from a walk up the Avenue. Then I may even nap a bit.